All the stories!

They say a great story should get better each time it's told. So if you don't like what you read... try reading it again!
Found: Lost Dog, answers to Susan.

Found: Lost Dog, answers to Susan.

This listing for a lost dog was listed in Sept 2018. We never did have anyone credible claim Susan. Despite my insistence I didn’t want a dog, we kept her. Turns out I needed her as much as she needed me. Turns out I’m also the sort of dog mom that calls myself a dog mom and has an instagram account for said dog. I’m not even a little sad about that.

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Why I Left the Mormon Church

Why I Left the Mormon Church

Why do people leave the LDS church? The answer is usually quite complicated. For me? It’s a long story. But I’m happy to tell it to those who want to listen.

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