Ask Amber
Want to know how moms of teens are the Dread Pirate Roberts? How to deal with trauma? How to
get started on that giant project? What ADHD feels like? Ask away! I’ll do my best to answer.

Ask Amber: How to make decisions (in four easy steps)
How do you make business decisions and keep yourself moving forward when you work for yourself? This article will take you through four easy steps.

Ask Amber: Surviving the tween tide part three: The Legend of the Fire Swamp
The teen years feel a lot like walking through the Fireswamp with danger around every corner. Keep talking to your kid the entire time. Show up and keep talking.

Ask Amber: Surviving the tween tide part two: The Dread Pirate Roberts
What if the Dread Pirate Roberts is the best metaphor for parenting teens? Don’t worry, he totally is.

Ask Amber: Surviving the tween tide part one
How do you navigate the choppy waters of the tween years? How do you navigate the uncharted territory without wrecking the mother-daughter relationship?

The Rock Visualization and Unwinding Anxiety
Are you experiencing hyper-fixation on a situation or problem? Anxiety? These visualization exercises may help.

Ask Amber: Overcoming Trauma
How do you deal with triggers that keep bringing trauma back when you thought you dealt with it years ago? How do you stop reliving the nightmare?
Ask Amber!
Do you have a question you’re dying to get the answer to? Something that you’d like my advice on? Dear Abby has nothing on me! 1
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- No disrespect to Dear Abby or her legacy of work. It’s just a joke!»